Erin Lawlor è una pittrice che vive e lavora a Londra, Inghilterra. Quando ha iniziato a dipingere, ha lavorato principalmente nel modo della ritrattistica. Dopo circa dieci anni di lavoro figurativo decide di passare alla pittura astratta. I suoi ultimi lavori servono a smantellare forma, composizione e colore e sono spesso caratterizzati da pennellate ampie e visibili. I suoi lavori gestuali sono eseguiti con pittura ad olio diluita e il mezzo appare gessoso e smorzato, in contrasto con le forme fluide del suo pennello. Lawlor ha tenuto mostre personali a livello internazionale, tra cui il Rothko Center di Daugavpils, in Lettonia; l' Istituto francese a Mainz, Germania; Rod Barton a Miami, FL; Residenza La Brea Studio a Los Angeles, CA; Rod Barton a Bruxelles; Museo Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek di Copenhagen, Danimarca; Galerie Klaus Braun a Stoccarda, Germania; George Lawson Gallery, San Francisco, CA; Gray Contemporary a Houston, Texas; Espace Mezcla a Rouen, Francia; e Galerie Pascaline Mulliez a Parigi, Francia. Ha anche esposto in mostre collettive in fiere d'arte, musei e gallerie tra cui COFA Contemporary a Colonia; Galleri Jacob Bjørn ad Aahus, Danimarca; Sideshow Nation di Williamsburg, NY; Cornillon-Confoux in Francia; Il Kelvin College di Glasgow, Regno Unito; Turps Gallery a Londra, Inghilterra; Peter Blake Gallery, CA; Parallel Art Space a New York e recentemente da Miles McEnery a New York.
Erin Lawlor is a painter living and working in London, England. When she first began painting, she worked primarily in the mode of portraiture. After about ten years of figurative work she decided to shift to abstract painting. Her later works serve to dismantle form, composition, and color, and are often characterized by large, visible brushstrokes. Her gestural works are done in thinned oil paint, and the medium appears chalky and muted, contrasted with the free-flowing shapes of her brush. Lawlor has had solo exhibitions internationally, at galleries including the Rothko Center in Daugavpils, Latvia; French Institute Mayence in Mainz, Germany; FIFI Projects in Mexico; Rod Barton in Miami, FL; La Brea Studio Residency in Los Angeles, CA; Rod Barton in Brussels; Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark; Galerie Klaus Braun in Stuttgart, Germany; George Lawson Gallery, San Francisco, CA; Gray Contemporary in Houston, Texas; Espace Mezcla in Rouen, France; and Galerie Pascaline Mulliez in Paris, France. She has also shown in group exhibitions at art fairs, museums, and galleries including COFA Contemporary in Cologne; Galleri Jacob Bjørn in Aahus, Denmark; Sideshow Nation in Williamsburg, NY; Cornillon-Confoux in France; Kelvin College in Glasgow, UK; Turps Gallery in London, England; Peter Blake Gallery, CA; Parallel Art Space in New York and recently at Miles McEnery gallery in NYC.