Stefano Boeri

Stefano Boeri

Stefano Boeri, architect and urbanist, is Full Professor at Politecnico in Milan and Visiting Professor at several foreign universities. He directs the Future City Lab at Tongji University (Shanghai): a post-doctorate research programme exploring the future of contemporary metropolises from the viewpoint of biodiversity and urban forestry. In November 2018 he co-chaired the Scientific Committee of the first World Forum on Urban Forests, organized in Mantua with the FAO. Director of the magazines Domus (2004-2007) and Abitare (2007-2011) and author of numerous publications, Stefano Boeri was the Councillor for Culture in Milan from 2011 to 2013 and has been the Chairman of the Milan Triennial Foundation since February 2018. Picture: © Gianluca Di Ioia
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