In libreria


Romeo Castellucci

Romeo Castellucci

Born in Cesena in 1960, graduated from the Bologna Academy of Fine Arts with a degree in Painting and Stage Design. Founded the Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio in 1981, and since then has produced performances as director, author, and designer of sets, lighting, sound and costumes. His works have been presented in over 60 countries.



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Romeo Castellucci

Il rituale del serpente

Aby Warburg
Il rituale del serpente
Adelphi, Milano 1998

The confession-testament of Aby Warburg, which goes back the origins of paganism and magic to reveal the power (especially psychic) of images.
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Il rituale del serpente

Antichi tappeti orientali

Alois Riegle
Antichi tappeti orientali
Quodlibet, Macerata 1998

From one of the greatest exponents of the “Vienna school,” the work laid the foundation for a modern approach to the study of the applied arts.
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Antichi tappeti orientali

L'arte non evolve. L’universo immobile di Gino De Dominicis

Gabriel Guercio
L'arte non evolve. L’universo immobile di Gino De Dominicis
Johan&Levi, Roma 2015

Artistic creation and the search for immortality are the core of the essay on Gino De Dominicis, which becomes an investigation of the mystery of creation ex nihilo.
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L'arte non evolve. L’universo immobile di Gino De Dominicis

Locus Solus

Raymond Roussel
Locus Solus

A unique novel in the history of universal literature, in which the central character is the magic of language itself, full of archaic charm and delirious madness.
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Locus Solus

Stan Brakhage: Interviews

Suranjan Ganguly
Stan Brakhage: Interviews
University Press of Mississippi

Nine of the most important interviews of experimental director Stan Brakhage, who discusses the key ideas of his work and some of his iconic films.
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Stan Brakhage: Interviews
