
The Main Section of Arte Fiera, divided as always into post-war and contemporary art, is now accompa-nied by four curated, invitation-only sections: Photography and moving images, Pittura XXI, and Multiples, presenting works published in edition, plus the new section Prospettiva, devoted to emerging art-ists, represented by new or established galleries that have a research program.

Davide Ferri, critic and independent curator specializing in contemporary painting, has curated Pittura XXI since its first edition, while Photography and moving images is entrusted for the third year to Giangavino Pazzola, curator of di Camera - Centro italiano per la fotografia (Turin). Multiples will be curated for the second year by critic and art historian Alberto Salvadori, while Prospettiva will be curated by Michele D’Aurizio, curator and art historian working in Italy and in the United States. 

In addition to the curated sections, there will again be Percorso: not really a section, but, as the name implies, an itinerary that thematically links some of the stands in the Main Section and in the curated sections. After two years devoted to artistic forms (Ceramics in 2023 and Drawing in 2024), Percorso 2025 will also concern the content of the works: in fact, the new theme is “Community.”


Main Section

The Main Section ranges from Modern and post-war art, always the exhibition’s strong points, to contemporary art, with a strong emphasis on Italian art. It encourages monographic presentations, which receive special conditions, and includes the Percorso format, an itinerary that thematically links some of the stands.


Percorso is not really a section, but, as the name implies, an itinerary that thematically links some of the stands in the Main Section and in the curated sections. After two years devoted to artistic forms (Ceramics in 2023 and Drawing in 2024), Percorso 2025 will also concern the content of the works: in fact, the new theme is “Community,” expressed as “Community: not “I” but “we.”

Over the years, Percorso has been supported by important partners and, in the last two editions, has included an acquisition award.


Percorso is open to application from both modern and contemporary galleries. 

Pittura XXI

Pittura XXI is a panorama of 21st-century Italian and foreign painting ranging from emerging talents to mid-career artists. Since its debut in 2020, it has been curated by Davide Ferri, critic and independent curator, one of Italy’s most authoritative and respected experts on contemporary painting.

Since 2022, Pittura XXI has been linked to the Osvaldo Licini by Fainplast Award: one of the three finalists for this prestigious award for Italian painting is selected in this section.


Participation in Pittura XXI is by invitation only. 

Photography and Moving Images

Photography and moving images presents the photographic medium from a broad perspective, and includes historicized photographers – especially if less known – and young talents, formal and conceptual research, as well as dialog with other media such as video. For the third year, the section will be curated by Giangavino Pazzola, curator of Camera - Centro Italiano per la Fotografia in Turin.


Participation in Photography and moving images is by invitation only


Multiples is a section devoted to all types of works in edition: artist books, graphics, design, sculptures, and multiplied objects. It includes galleries, specialized bookstores, and publishers, united under the concept of democratic collecting in line with Arte Fiera’s traditionally inclusive nature. For the second year, Multiples will be curated by Alberto Salvadori, critic and art historian. 


Participation in Multiples is by invitation only. 


Prospettiva is a showcase of creativity by young people, with special attention to Italy. It accepts monographic presentations of emerging artists by new or established galleries that have a research program. The debut of Prospettiva is entrusted to Michele D’Aurizio, curator and critic working in Italy and in the United States, and founder of the Gasconade space in Milan. 


Participation in Prospettiva is by invitation only