Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 26 Stand A/74

Gallery Directors

Stefano Costantini

Costantini Art Gallery was founded in 2012 by the synergy of Emanuela Pitti and Stefano Costantini, who have decided to take this path joined by the same passion for art, despite they come from a different vocational training. The project, in light of previous personal experiences, presents visual arts always starting from a careful analysis of design and conceptual aspects, but free from any stylistic and historical classification. The first exhibition in 2012 Joanpere Massana’s “Il libro dell’aria” outlined the cultural itinerary of the gallery, which was subsequently increased by important exhibitions including “Genesi dell’inconscio” by Franco Zazzeri; “Oltre la superficie” by A. Bonalumi, E. Castellani, L. Fontana e P. Pinelli; “Il divenire della forma” by Pablo Atchugarry; “Illusion-Inclusion” by Aqua Aura; “Atto e potenza” by Roberto Pietrosanti and “L’estetica della vertigine” of Marina Vargas.


20135 MILANO (MI) Italy
Tel. +39 02 87391434; 3470514664
Web: http://www.costantiniartgallery.it
E-mail: costantiniartgallery@gmail.com


Apollo Hile
Marina Vargas

Ganimedes (Satélite)
Marina Vargas

Venus Esquilina o Arcana
Marina Vargas

Limus Terrae (La campesina)
Marina Vargas

Senza Titolo
Marina Vargas
