Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 25 Stand B/29

Gallery Directors

Nicola Pedana

The Nicola Pedana Contemporary Art Gallery (Caserta, Piazza Matteotti, 60) was founded in 2010 by Nicola Pedana, the creative director of the space. Research and innovation are the hallmarks of the gallery’s activities: young artists not yet established but known in contemporary art circles alternate with artists well known on the international art scene in order to promote works of art that have the potential to positively impact the art system. Since 2010, the gallery has held exhibitions of Shozo Shimamoto, Tino Stefanoni, Carla Accardi, Francesco de Molfetta, Donald Baechler, Paolo Bini, Aldo Mondino, Marco Gastini, Gianni Dessì, Pino Pinelli, Giorgio Griffa, Claudio Olivieri, Vittorio Messina, Matteo Montani, Vincenzo Frattini and Viviana Valla.The gallery, in 2016, has launched a series of exhibition projects to be set up in the Royal Palace of Caserta: Paolo Bini (winner of the 2016 Premio Cairo) and Tino Stefanoni.


81100 CASERTA (CE) Italy
Tel. +39 0823 322638; 392 6793401
Web: http://www.nicolapedana.com
E-mail: gallerianicolapedana@gmail.com


Alba Window
Vittorio Messina

"The hidden place"
Matteo Montani

Pittura B
Pino Pinelli

Eden con piccoli frammenti di cielo
Paolo Bini
