Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 26 Stand B/52

Gallery Directors

Francesco Clivio

Clivio Gallery was founded in 2009 in Parma by Francesco Clivio, art lover and early collector, after years of experience in the world of art and in art galleries field, moved by an incomparable passion for history and for the artists who have animated it, opens in 2014, with his partner Maria Fontanabona, the showroom in Milan in Foro Buonaparte 48, few steps away from the Duomo and from the art district of Brera. The first aim of this project is promoting and the disseminating the works by historical and contemporary artists, through exhibitions and collaborations with the most important art reviewers in Italy, always favoring, where possible, a direct relationship with the artists or institutions that represent them (archives, foundations…) Over the years the gallery has distinguished itself for being among the first in the Italian scene to give particular emphasis to the avant-garde of the ’60s and ’70s of the last Century, focusing especially on verbo-visual experimentation.


Via Emlia Lepido 3/13
43123 Parma (PR) Italy
Tel. 3385479433
Web: http://www.galleriaclivio.it
E-mail: galleria@clivioarte.it
