Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 25 Stand B/71

Gallery Directors

Italo Bergantini

The Romberg brand name was established by Italo Bergantini in 1986, in Latina. The Gallery is focused on the promotion of young artists, mostly but not exclusively Italians, through the participation in art-fairs and active support to the organization of institutional exhibitions. Since the inception Romberg regularly presents an exhibition season of five events of which we mention, among many others, the first solo-show of Serse in 1993 and the group-show “Stand By” in 1998 with the partecipation of Xhafa, Bianco-Valente, Cecchini, Piovaccari, Mocellin, etc. The Gallery’s exhibition space is currently located in the ground floor of the Baccari skyscraper. Romberg is also a publisher devoted to fine-art catalogues editing, in close cooperation with curators and intellectuals. In 2010 Romberg Photo was set up with a mission to enlarge their activity, previously focused on painting and sculpture, into this “new” media, whose versatility deeply meets the expressive needs of contemporary artists.


04100 LATINA (LT) Italy
Tel. +39 0773 604788; 334 7105049
Web: http://www.romberg.it
E-mail: info@romberg.it


Untitled (dalla serie Seaside)
Giuseppe Ripa

Forgetful & Forgotten #1-4 (dalla serie Seaside)
Giuseppe Ripa

Forgetful & Forgotten #6 (dalla serie Seaside)
Giuseppe Ripa

Home Ground #1-9 (dalla serie Seaside)
Giuseppe Ripa

Untitled (dalla serie Seaside)
Giuseppe Ripa
