Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 18 Stand B/11

Gallery Directors

Alan Serri

Galleria d’Arte Cinquantasei was founded in 1980, under the artistic control of Franco Solmi, who at the time was the Director of the Modern Art Museum in Bologna. Our Gallery aimed at promoting the Bolognese artists who were active between 19th and 20th century, from Luigi Bertelli (born 1836) to Bruno Saetti (born 1902), members of a great artistic current. Over the years, the Gallery's art books and great exhibitions, both private and public, have drawn the attention of the national artistic world to these great masters. Since the year 2000 we have been dealing with some, very important artists at a national and international level (such as Sironi, Campigli, De Chirico, Carrà, Balla, Severini, Fontana, Schifano and other) and some very talented artists, such as Mirella Guasti, Luigi Pellanda, Artur Sulce


40126 Bologna (BO) Italy
Tel. 051250885
Web: http://www.56artgallery.com
E-mail: info@galleria56.it


Motivo per tappeto + stilizzazioni di mare
Giacomo Balla

Gino Bogoni

Le visage vert
Marc Chagall

Ritratto di vecchia (famiglia Stocchetti)
Filippo de Pisis

Studio per vetrata
Mario Sironi

Composizione con figure e testa di cavallo
Mario Sironi
