Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 26 Stand B/18

Gallery Directors

Sebastiano Dell'Arte

Galleria Six was founded in 2007 in Lissone by Sebastiano Dell’Arte.In 2009 the gallery relocated to a new space in Milan,supporting national and international artists, also with the curatorial collaboration of Chiara Bertoni. Highlights have included Michele Zaza’s 2007 installation ‘Io Sono il Paesaggio’, and solo shows from Dennis Oppenheim, Nam June Paik and Bruno Munari.A further move in 2015 to its current larger location in the Piola district of Milan, saw the gallery mount a new string of important shows including, Miroslav Tichy, John Walker and Terry Atkinson. The gallery is proud to have given artists Narbi Price, Hicham Benohoud and Michael Broughton their first solo exhibitions in Italy.New collaborations with the artists Ange Leccia and Maurizio Mochetti began in 2018.Recent exhibitions include Fausto Pirandello 'Bodies' and Richard Smith's solo.In December 2021 the gallery opens a new 2 sqm showcase space in the heart of Venice, launching the new format of Galleria Six.


Piazzale Gabrio Piola 5
20131 Milano (MI) Italy
Tel. 00 39 3515049275
Web: http://www.galleriasix.it
E-mail: info@galleriasix.it


Missione Natter 5/4/1944 Argento
Maurizio Mochetti

Ange Leccia

Monogram 2
Richard Smith

Emilio Prini

OPERA n. 8
Angelo Mosca

1979, In rock n'roll consumership "working class" is a null class... Private Caprichos no. 73-Face, Vietcong, South Vietnamese Ranger, Private Buddy Holly-Face, Vietcong, South Vietnamese Rangers, The Plain of Reeds, 1972
Terry Atkinson
