Pad. 26 Stand B/45
One of the basic principles of the Gallery, in addition to the desire to bring contemporary art closer to our daily lives, is the one to open up to collaboration with young people: over the years great importance has been given to the search for the most promising artistic profiles, with an eye to the talents of our house. In a short time, the proposed panorama expands, including painting, sculpture and photography, in order to be able to give a personal and complete vision of the latest developements in contemporary art. Riccardo Gusmaroli (Verona, 1963), Fabrizio Pozzoli (Milan, 1973) and Fabiano Parisi (Rome, 1977) must certainly be mentioned among the most popular artists who have collaborated for years with the Glauco Cavaciuti Gallery. In recent years, the exhibition activity has focused on personal exhibitions dedicated to Manuel Felisi (Milan, 1976), Daniele Sigalot (Rome, 1976) and Omar Hassan (Milan, 1987), obtaining an excellent response from the public and critics .
Via Vincenzo Monti 25, 27
20123 Milano (MI) Italy
Tel. 02 45491682