Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 26 Stand A/90

Gallery Directors

Andrea Sirio Ortolani

The Osart Gallery was founded in Milan in early 2008 by Andrea Sirio Ortolani. Since the beginning of its activity, the gallery focuses on a very specific historical period: the 60's and 70's. Within this period it analyzes different artistic approaches that have characterized the world. For this reason, Osart Gallery works together with artists and families which represent them in order to study in depth movements that have crossed each other, representing artists like Vincenzo Agnetti, Piero Fogliati, Magdalo Mussio, Claudio Olivieri, Aldo Tagliaferro. In addition to solo shows, within its program, and with the partnership of artists and critics, it offers projects that intend to address various issues that have characterized this period of art history.


20129 MILANO (MI) Italy
Tel. +39 02 5513826
Web: http://www.osartgallery.com
E-mail: info@osartgallery.com


Ritratto di attore
Vincenzo Agnetti

Reale virtuale
Piero Fogliati

Senza titolo
Magdalo Mussio

Levitazione blu
Claudio Olivieri

Vertical thoughts
Shusaku Arakawa
