Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 25 Stand B/24

Gallery Directors

Cesare Misserotti
Perla Bianco

Founded in Mestre in 1964 by the young Cesare Misserotti, the gallery moved to Venice in 1966, opening with a retrospective of Tancredi, who had recently died. After presenting the first solo exhibition by Paolo Gioli, the gallery emerged into the international art scene: in collaboration with Ileana Sonnabend and Leo Castelli, more than 40 works by Warhol, Lichtenstein, Dine, Oldenburg, Rosenquist, Wesselmann, were shown in the legendary exhibition “American Supermarket”. In the course of time the gallery presented the works by Heinz Mack, Nannucci, Pavlos, Dietman, Franco Vaccari, the Nouveau Realism’s artists, and in 1968, the extraordinary exhibition “La Biennale Eclatée” by Raymond Hains. The gallery relocated to Treviso in 1995 and opened with an important exhibition by Mario Ceroli and Michelangelo Pistoletto. Since then we remember the beautiful exhibitions by Gina Pane, The Body Art, Urs Lüthi, Mainolfi, Gastone Novelli, Maria Lai, Nanni Valentini, Bruno Munari, James Lee Byars, Raymond Hains.


31100 TREVISO (TV) Italy
Tel. +39 0422 419550; 348 9036567
Web: http://www.galleriaelefante.com
E-mail: galleria.elefante@libero.it


James Lee Byars

Volti in cera
Paolo Gioli

Maschera in cera
Paolo Gioli

Fragments de solitude.
Gina Pane

Raymond Hains
