Exhibitors by alphabetical index


LABS Contemporary Art

Pad. 25 Stand A/27

Gallery Directors

Alessandro Luppi

LABS Contemporary Art has been operating in the Bolognese territory since October 2014. Since its inception, the space was created as a place dedicated to research, with particular attention to the dialogue between historicized art and contemporary art, with an eye to the territory and the history of Bologna. There is a strong link between the exhibition space and the history of the city. The building, where our gallery is located, dates back to the 13th century, when the Church of S. Maria della Ceriola stood in its place, an aspect that can still be appreciated today in the architectural complex of the structure.


Via Santo Stefano 38
40125 Bologna (BO) Italy
Tel. 348 9325473
Web: http://www.labsgallery.it
E-mail: info@labsgallery.it


Sem título série Vamos chamar o vento
Carolina Colichio

Sun, sun, sun, sun
Julia Huete

ISO #144
Marco Emmanuele

Giudizio Universale,Beato Angelico_Firenze (1431)
Giulia Marchi

Untitled (from Vibrations Series)
Greta Schödl

E sott’ombra nella mia sott’ombra t’amo
Dario Picariello

La desidero cosi` tanto che tutti i miei desideri le appartengono
Dario Picariello

Visitazione, Pontormo_ Carmignano(1528-1530)
Giulia Marchi

Marco Emmanuele

Sem título série Vamos chamar o vento
Carolina Colichio

Sem título série Vamos chamar o vento
Carolina Colichio

ISO #169
Marco Emmanuele

ISO #97
Marco Emmanuele

Sem título série As coisas não existem só
Carolina Colichio

Marco Emmanuele

Marco Emmanuele
