Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 25 Stand B/41

Gallery Directors

Fabrizio Del Signore
Armando Porcari

The Gallery Apart opened its first small exhibition space in Rome at Via della Barchetta 11 in February 2008. In December 2009, it moved to Via di Monserrato 40 and then, in March 2013, to the present wider space of Via Francesco Negri 43. One of the main fields of interests is related to the relationship between ethics and aesthetics. Some of the artists selected by the gallery are socially and politically engaged, trying to define tools and strategies through which art can give its contribute to the building of a more equitable world. Other artists focus the dialogue between sculpture and the environment, the latter considered not only in terms of architecture and space but also in connection with the human body. Another subject which cannot be omitted concerns the ways the artists can manage images, the thread which connects the digital world to reality and vice versa.


Via Francesco Negri 43
00154 Roma (RM) Italy
Tel. 06 68809863
Web: http://www.thegalleryapart.it
E-mail: info@thegalleryapart.it


Emilio Blanquini in barca
Mariana Ferratto

Mosche Volanti
Corinna Gosmaro

Untlited, block n #15
Bertille Bak

Heretic exercise #5
Alessandro Scarabello

drama baby drama drama drama
Federica Di Pietrantonio

Federica Di Pietrantonio

Heretic exercise
Alessandro Scarabello

Untlited, block n #19
Bertille Bak

Mosche Volanti
Corinna Gosmaro

In Barca
Mariana Ferratto

Tra dentro e fiori
Mariana Ferratto

Corinna Gosmaro

Heretic exercise #6
Alessandro Scarabello

New Mod From Game...
Federica Di Pietrantonio

Federica Di Pietrantonio

Corinna Gosmaro

Tra dentro e fiori
Mariana Ferratto

Affiorare/ il telefono
Mariana Ferratto

Corinna Gosmaro

Federica Di Pietrantonio

Affiorare/ la paloma
Mariana Ferratto

Affiorare/ la ricreazione
Mariana Ferratto
