Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 25 Stand B/58

Gallery Directors

Beatrice Bertini
Benedetta Acciari

In 2009 in Rome inaugurated Ex Elettrofonica, a place that brings a change of the concept of architectural exhibition space, a site of interaction between architecture and the visual arts. Over the years it has proposed exhibitions dedicated to young italian and foreign artists, the most designed in a strong dialogue with its space. The selected artists are heterogeneous in origins, age, artistic practice and formal type of work, but united by the vision of art as a process. The issues they face are the landscape, environmental changes, political and social identity.


Vicolo di Sant'Onofrio 10
00165 Roma (RM) Italy
Tel. 06 64760163
Web: http://www.exelettrofonica.com
E-mail: info@exelettrofonica.com


GLAS Snowpatch #1
Elena Mazzi

Of My Abstract Gardening #2, 2022
Agostino Iacurci

Senza Titolo
Gabriele Picco

Senza Titolo
Marco Raparelli

Taksim square, Istanbul, Turkey,09.01.2013
Margherita Moscardini

M.I.L.O. Mia Innocente e Lontana Ode
Sergio Breviario

G.I.O. Grazia Intrisa d’Ozio
Sergio Breviario

Innsbruck, Austria, 01.29.1964
Margherita Moscardini

Senza Titolo
Gabriele Picco
