Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 26 Stand A/70


Gallery Directors

Marina Affanni
Duilio Affanni

The activity of the gallery is focused on the will to compare artists from different generations and various languages. Thematic shows have underlined the patrimony of knowledges on the art of the twentieth century. These choices are always in a strict dialogue with the researches of the international contemporary artists (Arcangelo, Di Giovanni, Facco, Filiberti, Marrocco, Scherffig) and of masters of the Italian photography (Ghirri,Lucas,Lelli & Masotti,Mattioli). Art has a central theme that arrived from the past and the direction of Marina Affanni, daughter of the founder Duilio, does not forget the important basis on which the work of Il Chiostro started many years ago, with important shows dedicated to Filippo de Pisis, Warhol,Folon,Fausto Melotti, Lucio Fontana,Mario Sironi, Marino Marini. The calendar of the gallery is enriched of collaborations with institutions and sharing of projects with foreign galleries, in particular for the work of Ugo La Pietra and Jorge Eielson.


Via Dalmazia 9
21047 Saronno (VA) Italy
Tel. 02 9622717
Web: http://www.ilchiostroarte.it
E-mail: galleria@ilchiostroarte.it


Giorgio De Chirico

Francesco De Rocchi

Andrea Facco

Gianfranco Ferroni

Ugo La Pietra


Il trovatore
Giorgio De Chirico

Paesaggio milanese
Francesco De Rocchi

Altarino laico
Gianfranco Ferroni

Interno con chitarra
Francesco De Rocchi
