Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 26 Stand B/39

Gallery Directors

Giorgio Copetti
Ernesto Copetti
Massimo Copetti

Copetti Gallery was founded in 1982 in Udine by Giorgio Copetti, who leads it with his two sons Ernesto and Massimo. It deals with painting and sculpture from historicized artists of the 1900s. In 2018 a new exhibition space was inaugurated: the "Braida Copetti" Sculpture Park in the town of Premariacco (near Udine), where the works of great artists of the past century are displayed, as well as the works of affirmed contemporary artists. Besides having organized a great deal of exhibitions on their premises, the Copetti Antiques Gallery has taken part to many editions of Brafa in Bruxelles, the Biennale Exhibition in Rome and ModenAntiquaria, BIAF in Florence, Artefiera in Bologna MIart - Milan, Wop Art Lugano and Flashback Torino. The Copetti Family are registered in the Association of Antiques Dealers of Italy and belong to the Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres of Art (CINOA). They have a long-lasting collaboration with qualified researchers and museum directors.


Via Prefettura 6
33100 Udine (UD) Italy
Tel. 3358096532
Web: http://www.copettiantiquari.com
E-mail: info@copettiantiquari.com
