Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 25 Stand B/57

Gallery Directors

Michael Biasi

MAAB Gallery was founded in Padua in 2009 by Michael Biasi. In 2013 the gallery opened a new exhibition space in the centre of Milan. From the very start, the work of rediscovering important artists on the European historical-artistic panorama, those active from the 1950s and 1960s, was backed by an interest in the constant evolutions of contemporary international art language. With the aim of showing a continuity between past and present, and of interweaving diverse expressive languages and media, masters of the second half of the twentieth century were alternated with young emergent artists. Particular care is given to technical considerations: each show is backed by a catalogue that tells, through images, documents and the words of an art critic, the art language of the artist. MAAB Gallery administers the Archivio Alberto Biasi.


Via Nerino 3
20123 Milano (MI) Italy
Tel. 02 89281179
Web: http://www.maabgallery.com
E-mail: info@maabgallery.com


Transformationsstörung (Transform Fault)
Susanne Kutter

Mein konstruktiver Alltag, 2.04.2021
Axel Lieber

Pensare con lo sguardo #2
Alain Urrutia

Christian Megert

"Still Life" (A Natural History of Destruction)
Franck Scurti

Orange Still Life, with Magnet and NO
Nahum Tevet

This is a Floor piece!
Nahum Tevet

Sunset Stories #1
Franck Scurti

Christian Megert

Pensare con lo sguardo #4
Alain Urrutia

Mein konstruktiver Alltag
Axel Lieber

Ti penso sempre (I always think of you)
Susanne Kutter

Pensare con lo sguardo #11
Alain Urrutia

Drawing a universe
Axel Lieber

Christian Megert

Sunset Stories #7
Franck Scurti

Veilchenblau (violet)
Susanne Kutter

All of These (with Yellow Mirror)
Franck Scurti

Christian Megert

Nox #8
Alain Urrutia
