Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 26 Stand B/85

Gallery Directors

Giorgio Gaburro
Cecilia Gaburro

The gallery, born in 1995 for the passion of its founder Giorgio Gaburro and co-directed from 2020 together with Cecilia Gaburro, has produced body of works, events, exhibitions and editorial projects with Italian and international artists, such as Daniel Spoerri, Hermann Nitsch, Emilio Isgrò, Marco Cingolani and Liu Bolin. Among the institutions with which the gallery collaborated, there are MART Museum in Rovereto, GNAM in Rome, Venice Biennale, Palazzo Ducale in Mantua, Bocconi University of Milan, MUDEC Museum in Milan, Galleria Borghese of Rome, the Royal Palace of Caserta, Complesso del Vittoriano of Rome to quote just a few. Guideline of the gallery activity is the concept of Project Gallery: each project was born through the interchange between the artist, the curator and the gallery, and it is conceived ad hoc for the exhibition spaces -in the heart of Verona and of Milan- or for institutional shows in venues coherent with the message and the intervention of the artist.


Via dei Mutilati 7a
37122 Verona (VR) Italy
Tel. 045 8000176
Web: http://www.galleriagaburro.com
E-mail: info@galleriagaburro.com
