Exhibitors by alphabetical index


Studio SALES

Pad. 25 Stand B/43

Gallery Directors

Norberto Ruggeri

Studio SALES di Norberto Ruggeri is located at the third floor of a building of late Nineteenth Century in the central Esquilino district, heart and symbol of multiculturalism in today’s Rome. Originally the building was the Royal Belgian Academy and its apartments were formerly the ateliers where the artists chosen by the Belgian Crown were sent to Rome in the spirit of the Grand Tour. When the building was donated to the Italian State – during the fascist time – it kept unaltered its destination, giving the studios to regime’s artists. Still nowadays many professionals of the roman contemporary art scene operate in this old building. The space of Studio SALES with its huge window overlooking the park of Piazza Dante and the historical Palazzo della Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, is still today a privileged location for artistic activity, thanks to its peculiar and intimate atmosphere.


Piazza Dante 2
00185 Roma (RM) Italy
Tel. +39 06 7759 1122
Web: http://www.studiosales.it
E-mail: info@studiosales.it


Pioppo nero Canale Muzza
Stefano Arienti

Scienze della formazione (2)
Eva Marisaldi

Second Skin
Romina Bassu

Davide Monaldi

Je feuilletais l’atlas
Diego Miguel Mirabella

Orchid Nacional
Flavio Favelli
