Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 26 Stand B/51

Gallery Directors

Fabrizio Vigato
Graziano Vigato

The Galleria Vigato began its activity in 1977 in Alessandria with the gallery in Piazza Carducci, where Graziano Vigato has carried out an eclectic work program, which has given rise to personal exhibitions by artists such as: V. Bendini, P. Cuniberti, O. Galliani, M. Schifano, R. Barni, A. Tapies, M. Gastini, P. Manai and much more. To these personal exhibitions are added collective of great prestige among which we remember, in 1982, the one dedicated to the Anachronism (curated by Maurizio Calvesi and Marisa Vescovo), exhibition that led the gallery to collaborate with the Venice Biennale of 1984, setting up, in the "Arte allo specchio" section, the rooms of Omar Galliani, Marco Antonio Tanganelli and Stefano Di Stasio. The Gallery has, over time, kept faith with its history and continued with a precise and characteristic work, which has generated new personal exhibitions, in the new space of via Ghilini 30 in Alessandria


Via Gerolamo Ghilini 30
15121 Alessandria (AL) Italy
Tel. 0131 444190
Web: http://www.studiovigato.com
E-mail: info@studiovigato.com


Inremeabilis Error
Omar Galliani

Work against nature V
James Brown

Giulio Paolini

Sotto lo stesso cielo
Stefano Di Stasio

Vettor Pisani

Oscuro il tempo
Lino Frongia
