Special Commission: Liliana Moro

Liliana Moro
White Noise (2022)
Sound track, 30’21”

Starting in 2019, every edition of Arte Fiera has commissioned a well-known Italian artist to create a new, large-scale work to be presented to the public at the Fair. The artist commissioned by Arte Fiera 2022 has been Liliana Moro (b. Milan, 1961).

Moro has chosen an unusual material, one that she has employed regularly since the late ‘90s: sound. Focussing on three long corridors with moving walkways – the type that are commonly found in airports and metros - Moro has conceived a sound track broadcast by dozens of small loudspeakers, which visitors will experience as they move to and from the halls.

The work includes and stratifies a wide range of daily sounds and noises: the buzzing and ticking of home appliances, shouts from crowds, speakers stating numbers, applause, fragments of music, the rumble of thunder and the downpour of rain, dogs barking in the distance. Occasionally, a single sound – a plane taking off or a fanfare from a TV news show – covers all the others; occasionally, the noises fade away, leaving the blowing wind, a background buzz, the simple rustling of white noise. Entitled White Noise (like Don De Lillo’s 1985 novel, manifesto of the postmodern apocalypse), the work is conceived as a contemporary sound track, in which apparent calm harbours the constant anxiety of new threats.