Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 25 Stand B/18

Gallery Directors

Alessandro Sarteanesi

Magonza promotes and produces exhibitions and contemporary art projects in Italy and abroad, following all their ideational and operational aspects with expertise and passion. It collaborates with distinguished international institutions and foundations, with important curators and artists, on the design of exhibitions and catalogs that analyze unpublished or little-studied themes in art history. The publishing house also collaborates with artists in the creation of unique works, graphics and multiples. The contribution of the publishing house in this activity ranges from the exquisitely technical/organizational to accompanying the artist in his or her research activities, in a continuous attempt to push the graphic arts toward new languages. Magonza also produces exhibition catalogues, non-fiction, monographs and artists’ books, managing the publication process at every stage, from the initial concept and development of the project, to the final product and its distribution.


52100 Arezzo (AR) Italy
Tel. 0575 042992
Web: http://www.magonzaeditore.it
E-mail: redazione@magonzaeditore.it


Senza titolo
Jannis Kounellis

Sergio Lombardo: QUILTING - 4T MCCT (C6M Random, B40M Near, B35M Short, C6M Long) 2017 “Bestie e Umanoidi”
Sergio Lombardo

America, I’ve Given You All and Now We’re Nothing
Andrea Mastrovito

Claudio Parmiggiani

Sergio Lombardo: QUILTING - 4T MCCT n. 2 2017 - B20M (FAR) 17, Double A6M (FAR) 17, B10M (RANDOM) 92 - 2019
Sergio Lombardo

Sergio Lombardo: QUILTING - 4T MCCT (A5M Short, B30M Old, B35M Short, A10M Short) - 2017 “Creatures”
Sergio Lombardo

Sergio Lombardo
