Exhibitors by alphabetical index



Pad. 26 Stand B/102


Do ut do is a biennial art, design, and architecture event and container of cultural initiatives founded in 2011 and promoted by the Friends of the MT. Chiantore Seràgnoli Hospice Foundation, with the aim of supporting the Hospice Foundation: a "give to give" that departs from a utilitarian or egoistic "give to receive". A restoration of meaning and value that does not seek or expect anything in return, focused on a crescendo of generosity from all the subjects involved. Do ut do proposes and organizes exhibitions and events dedicated to art, architecture, design and excellences in the field of culture to reflect on a theme of high ethical-social value, involving artists, intellectuals, institutions, galleries, companies and collectors. The theme of the 2024 edition is "CONSCIENCE", declined through the voices of artists and contemporary figures who stand out in the working and social environment in which they live.


Via Putti 17
40136 Bologna (BO) Italy
Tel. 051271060
Web: http://www.doutdo.it
E-mail: info@doutdo.it
